Justin Taylor posted a great little rhyme about Predestination. (You can read it
here for context...) Someone later posted a critical comment about the rhyme that went something like this:
It is folly to pick a side in a debate that has spanned centuries and claim dogmatic certainty. While I don't claim to know if there is even a middle ground, I do accept its mystery.I look forward to being humbled when we cross the great divide when the sovereign God welcomes us home purely on the basis of the sacrifice of Christ. It is then when we will bow the knee and accept the gentle rebuking revelation of our sincere error and prideful discernment.
So, I decided to write a little rhyme myself to respond to this critical comment. It went something like this (with a few slight changes from the original):
Your comment above, though written with love,
Belies the hoaxes below it
To which I’ll reply, with a grumble and sigh,
‘Cause I know that I’m not a poet
I don’t understand, how on the one hand,
You claim to not know middle ground.
But “to pick a side”, you surely did chide
Was “folly” and not even sound.
Now how can this be, (just between you and me),
Can you have both sides of the issue?
I have to cry foul, with a menacing scowl,
(But if I’m too harsh I’ve got tissues).
You make an assumption, that all of us bumpkins,
Must agree with your nice “middle ground”
Even though you did say, you weren’t sure that’s THE way,
But “mystery” instead to be found.
Your philosophy here, which most of us fear,
Is like Kant, and not really like Paul
For he said Bereans, more noble than Cretans,
Could KNOW ‘cause they studied with awe.
You’re right in a way, when you forcefully say
The debate has spanned over time,
But does that give you the right, to say with such might,
That certainty is our only crime?
To say it this way, is the same as to say:
“‘Cause Open Theism is older than dirt,
“We cannot condemn, this theological sin,
“‘Cause time, not truth, is our worth.”
I don’t think it’s humble, to callously stumble,
Around in the dark without truth
But what’s even worse, and should be a curse,
Is to say we should stumble, not sleuth.
Chesterton said it well, when he used to tell
Of a man who wasn’t even able
Because he was “humble”, (and that’s where he stumbled),
To believe in the multiplication table
I agree with G.K., in that we suffer today,
From humility that’s in the wrong place.
We doubt of the truth, and the biblical proof,
And say that’s humility’s face.
I’ll assert it again, this time with a grin,
It is plain to a full demonstration,
That he’s a wild hog, who over his blog,
Dares ridicule Predestination.