book reviews
book reviews :: leadership
Book Review: Spiritual Leadership - J. Oswald Sanders
Book Review: Ascent of a Leader - Thrall, McNicol, McElrath
book reviews :: missional church
Book Review: Incarnational Ministry - Hiebert & Meneses
Book Review: The Open Secret - Lesslie Newbigin
Book Review: God's Missionary People - Charles Van Engen
Book Review: Cultivating a Life for God - Neil Cole
Book Review: Life on the Vine - Philip Kenneson
Book Review: Cultivating Communities of Practice - Wenger, et al
Book Review: Dialogue Education at Work - Jane Vella
Book Reflection: Renovation of the Heart - Dallas Willard
Book Review: A Community of Character - Stanley Hauerwas
Book Review: Jesus and Community - Gerhard Lohfink