Heart Idols
Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, does such a great job of preaching in a way that uncovers the idols of my heart. I am really indebted to him for helping me see how the Gospel of the Kingdom is my greatest source of hope, joy and freedom. Here's a great outline from Keller from his blog that helps to identify the potential idols of the heart:
I really identify with the idols of power and control. Maybe it's my competetive nature, or desire to succeed, but I have to be wary of that idol creeping up. Actually, I can see myself in all of those idols. Both Keller and J.I. Packer talk about the concept of "preaching the gospel to yourself." They got that idea from Richard Baxter, a Puritan pastor who taught the practice of "discoursive meditation," which simply means discoursing, or preaching, to yourself in meditation. I think it's an important practice in battling the idolatry of the heart.
What idols do you identify with?
Idol: COMFORT (Privacy, lack of stress, freedom)
Price We Will Pay: Reduced productivity
Greatest Nightmare: Stress, demands
Others Often Feel: Hurt
Problem Emotion: BoredomIdol: APPROVAL (Affirmation, love, relationship)
Price We Will Pay: Less independence
Greatest Nightmare: Rejection
Others Often Feel: Smothered
Problem Emotion: CowardiceIdol: CONTROL (Self-discipline, certainty, standards)
Price We Will Pay: Loneliness; spontaneity
Greatest Nightmare: Uncertainty
Others Often Feel: Condemned
Problem Emotion: WorryIdol: POWER (Success, winning, influence)
Price We Will Pay: Burdened; responsibility
Greatest Nightmare: Humiliation
Others Often Feel: Used
Problem Emotion: Anger
I really identify with the idols of power and control. Maybe it's my competetive nature, or desire to succeed, but I have to be wary of that idol creeping up. Actually, I can see myself in all of those idols. Both Keller and J.I. Packer talk about the concept of "preaching the gospel to yourself." They got that idea from Richard Baxter, a Puritan pastor who taught the practice of "discoursive meditation," which simply means discoursing, or preaching, to yourself in meditation. I think it's an important practice in battling the idolatry of the heart.
What idols do you identify with?