Top 6 Reasons I haven't blogged in 6 months Sunday, December 21, 2008 |

2. For the City - our Fall Vision Series at The Austin Stone Community Church. On top of launching over 300 missional communities, we raised close to $11 million to build, among other things, a non-profit center in the poorest neighborhood in Austin.
3. Designed, launched, facilitated and taught, with the help of Allen and Joey, Project 297, a pilot training platform for urban missionaries, global missionaries, and church planters. We currently have 27 guinea pigs... ahhh, I mean, participants.
4. Hired 4 new staff - 2 church planting residents, a church planting intern and a ministry assistant.
5. Discovered Twitter. You can follow me at
6. Got an iPhone. Whatever you think is next level, the iPhone is 5 levels above that. Trust me.
image: writer's block by: thorinside